Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Musical Breaking Point

Anyone else experience 'musical breaking point'? Earlier I was sitting here doing a bit to my books and writing up my former blog. In the background my husband was listening to a selection of Country and Western songs. Not my favourite listening, but live and let live. I was concentrating quite hard on what I was doing and I think for the most at I didn't really register half of the tracks. But suddenly out of the blue, something inside exploded and I had had absolutely all I could take.I couldn't stand another bar of it.It took me by surprise and Paul too when I pleaded for him to change to some thing else immediately for pity's sake!

Well does it happen to anyone else?


Paul said...


Applemuncher said...

I feel your pain - I'm the same with Jazz, how can anything so confusing be pleasurable??

I also feel the same about dance music, anthing techno, or basically anything repetitive...basically, I'm a nark!