Thursday, 14 January 2010

Conversation With Myself

I have taken advantage of being 'home alone' with no chance of anyone walking in on me to have one of my little talks with myself. I don't do it often maybe less than once a year. But I do find them very useful. They are usually initiated by a personal problem or set of circumstances I need to get my head around. I sit in one chair, facing another. My corporal self talks to another me in the other chair, I then answer my own questions. I did once try actually swapping seats for the questions and answers but frankly it it was vaguely ridiculous . This assumes that you don't find the act of talking to yourself in another chair ridiculous in the first place of course.

It can be very powerful talking out loud to yourself. Again there is a world of difference between consciously and deliberately talking to yourself and wandering through Asda mumbling to yourself about fish paste, buggies and Whitney Houston. Thoughts have a habit of being hijacked, before you know it they are meandering around in Dingley Dell. Whereas, a different consciousness when talking out loud keeps the agenda focused.

My conversation helped me declutter my thoughts and cut to the chase. I didn't always come up with satisfactory answers/results, but it did help to clarify what my main concerns are and which of the others are merely hangers on. I took a few notes about the observations I made throughout, along with a few statements to look back on when I am not seeing things as clearly as I did at the time.

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