Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Cauliflower Cheese

Oh the simple delight of being 'home alone' and making myself cauliflower cheese, yum. Paul is a brasica hating veggie and I must admit the smell does rather permeate every nook and cranny of the house. I think I may have over indulged, but hey, any after effects will go unnoticed

So lovely too, to tidy up and then return to the bread board and find it in the same condition I left it and for me to enjoy the fruits of my labour.

I love you both dear daughter and hubby, but sometimes I do enjoy having the house to myself. I am especially luxuriating in the calm of my new workroom, newly decorated and perfectly laid out and equipped for all my artistic endeavours!

Mama Mia on DVD and a glass of Baileys tonight it is then.

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