Monday 24 May 2010

In the Garden

How fantastic it has been to be able to work outside in the garden. I have taken advantage of the glorious sunshine to sit out and work on my books; mundane folding and stitching requiring little equipment and enabling me to drift off into reverie. Within a few feet amid a tangle of rambling rose is a Blackbird's nest and as I am invisible to the pair of them I have been entertained by their song. Fortunately most of my neighbours must have broken arms as for once there isn't anyone in the middle of a mammoth DIY project. Bloke next door retired early and is ALWAYS doing something, but he was working around the front of the house at something quiet for once.

I love my little garden but so wish it had the sun till it set. As it is the last rays hit the back corner at 6pm. But now we have the allotment there is the option of going there for the last of the sun. We were there the other night watering, digging and planting till the plot was in shadow and it was near sunset.

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